cultural mediation

Córtex Frontal hosts the 2nd course on Cultural Mediation from RPAC.
9 - 10 December 2024.


HYPERTEXTILE is a cycle of textile art residencies aimed at visual artists and designers.

Call closed

permanent call 2025

This call is open all year round and includes individual and group applications for multidisciplinary residencies for a minimum period of 4 weeks.
See 2025 residency periods



Arraiolos is a small, white and blue Alentejan town. It is situated 120 km far from Lisbon and 20 km from Évora, surrounded by plains, oak and olive tree forest. It´s famous for its circular castle, hand embroidered wool rugs and carpets. Arraiolos rugs have been made since the Middle Ages.
As Arraiolos is the capital of a larger 7.800 inhabitants council, it concentrates restaurants, pharmacies, public pool, library etc, that makes artist-in-residency´s life easy and convenient.